Introducing ElevenEs

Introducing ReUse consortium member - ElevenEs.

ElevenEs, a company founded in Serbia, as a pioneer in LFP (Lithium Ferrum Phosphate) cathode battery technology in Europe is aiming to become a competitive European provider of different energy storage solutions side by side with the first tide of battery manufacturers in Europe. 

ElevenEs started as a spinoff of the “Al Pack Group” in 2020, and in March 2022 registered as an individual company in the Serbian market. As an R&D based company, ElevenEs localized the knowledge and technology of LFP cells from Lab scale and developed it to the large LFP blade cells in 2023 on pilot line. By Rebuilding a research and development Mini Pilot center with administration building in April 2023, the regular operational activities of EEs were established. Total Mini-pilot area of 2,200m2 is equipped with electrode manufacturing, cell assembly, and cell formation and EoL testing rooms, R&D center, and office spaces.

Currently, ElevenEs produces prismatic blade battery cells prototypes (A samples) for EVs and Energy Storage Systems. LFP battery cells were found to be more sustainable and safer, and ElevenEs can be proud to be the first European producer of LFP prismatic battery cells aiming to contribute to the EU Green Deal mission. 

Role in the project

In the ReUse project,  ElevenEs is leading the Task 1.1 of Work Package 1 to define the ReUse waste streams and general safety. In cooperation with other participants of WP1, EEs helps with market screening.

ElevenEs has the key role to provide the waste battery materials for other partners and simultaneously, EEs will establish the shredding facilities to make primary black mass from its own cells. Regenerating the LFP from recycled materials by the electrochemical methods is one of the interesting parts of EES participation and at the end ElevenEs support the whole project by testing the coin cells which are assembled from the recycled LFP material, to evaluate the whole recycling project


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